Monday, September 03, 2007
hello... just update alittle.
i was suppose to play drums for jyc yesterday but i totally forgotton abt it. until when im in the bus to church. by that time there wasn't enough time to rush to church. but thank God, krystal was in church and she took over me. jyc was fun. worship was great. lead by nicole. it was fellowship. so my group decided to head down to macs to grab some bites. on our way there. we saw many other groups. behind and infront of us. and realised that almost the whole jycers were going to macs.
After macs, headed back to church for yc. ian was the speaker. and ian was leading worship. respect him man. how he manage his time and get things done. so busy and yet had time for playing some games like WOW. i wonder how he do that man. haha.
after service, we headed to kopitiam to eat. then on my way back to church, i bump into justin and sean. they were heading to parklane. i guess i dont have to explain why we go there for. haha. i followed them and saw jermemy yap and nathan waiting for us. we went to play dota then later timmy koh join us. its fun. after so long of not playing that game and finally i get to play it again. we played like 2 games and we left. some went for dinner some went back to church.
went to church and some of them were playing games. after that went for dinner. then headed home.
eat so much man.

11:48 AM